Metals can be reused over time while still maintaining their properties. Scrap metal recycling entails obtaining and processing used metal products and reintroducing them to industries as raw materials to manufacture new products. This process positively impacts the economy and environment. Scrap metal is primarily categorized into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals consist of iron and steel; their main characterization is their magnetic component. Its products include railroad scrap, cars, motor blocks, and electrical wiring. Non-ferrous metals include aluminum, copper, nickel, tin, lead, zinc, gold, and silver. Radioactive and toxic metals, i.e., plutonium, uranium, and mercury, are not usually recycled. 

Scrap metal recycling process 

The scrap metal recycling process has six steps. First, you must collect and deliver the scrap metal to a scrap yard. It is essential to know the pricing and amount of scrap accepted before delivering it to the yard. Some yards may require some form of identification; it's often an effort to suppress scrap metal theft. During the delivery, an attendant measures the scrap metal at the scrap yard and issues a weight ticket used to cash in. The next stage is separation, where scrap metals are sorted according to their materials. Giant magnets are often used to facilitate this process. Preparation is the third step, which entails breaking down, shredding, shearing, and assembling the material in forms that can be packed and transported easily. The scrap metal then moves to the melting and purification stage. The process is done in smelters, foundries, and mills. The metals are heated in large furnaces, removing impurities and enhancing their quality. Solidifying the molten metal is the next stage. Here, the metal goes through a cooling process, and as it hardens and solidifies, it's molded into different shapes and sizes. Finally, the metal is shipped to a manufacturer, where it is used to make new products.

Advantages of scrap metal recycling 

It facilitates environmental conservation. Recycling scrap metals reduces landfills, reducing pollution. It also reduces the amount of greenhouse gases, which are often produced by mining metal ores. Reducing mining activities prevents the depletion of these minerals and enhances the conservation of other natural resources, i.e., water. Scrap metal recycling enhances energy conservation. This process takes less energy than mining and processing the ore to obtain metal. The reduction in energy consumption lowers companies' production costs. Scrap metal recycling positively impacts the economy. Other than individuals earning from selling this metal, scrap yards and recycling industries offer people job opportunities. These industries also generate significant tax revenue annually. 

Final words 

Scrap metal recycling is eco-friendly, conserves natural resources, is energy efficient, and improves the economy, making it a productive and essential process. Contact an expert to learn more about it and be its beneficiary. 
